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The ancient but isolated town of Whitby has made a huge contribution to the maritime history of Britain: Captain Cook learned sailing and navigation here; during the eighteenth century the town was a provider of an exceptionally large number of transport ships in wartime; and in the nineteenth century Whitby became a major whaling port. This book examines how it came to be such an important shipping centre. Drawing on extensive maritime records, the author shows how commercial entrepreneurship brought about the growth of Whitby's shipping industry, first in the export of local alum and Sunderland coal, then in general East Coast trade and in shipbuilding. The book includes details from the log books of voyages. These provide a fascinating insight into seafaring in the period with details of the social composition of crews, including information on shipboard apprentices learning the trade. Overall, a very full picture emerges of every aspect of the shipping industry of this key port. ROSALIN BARKER is a Fellow in the History Department at the University of Hull, and was formerly a tutor in adult education at the universities of Cambridge, Leeds and Hull and the Open University., Whitby has made a huge contribution to the maritime history of Britain: the port from which Captain Cook learned sailing and navigation; during the eighteenth century provider of an exceptionally large number of transport ships in wartime; and in the nineteenth century a major whaling port. This book examines how Whitby came to be such an important shipping centre. Drawing on the extensive maritime records for Whitby, which are complete, unlike for most British ports where records were lost during Second World War bombing, the author shows how commercial entrepreneurship brought about the growth of Whitby's shipping industry, first in the export of local alum and Sunderland coal, then in general East Coast trade and in shipbuilding. The book includes details from the log books of voyages which provide a fascinating insight into seafaring in the period, and details of the social composition of crews, including information on shipboard apprentices learning the trade. Overall, a very full picture emerges of every aspect of the shipping industry of this key port. Rosalin Barker is a Fellow of the Maritime Historical Studies Centre at the University of Hull, and was formerly a tutor in adult education at the universities of Cambridge, Leeds and Hull and the Open University.

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